We’ve got a fresh 10 Tracks playlist dropping today by Brando Rockers. A Fort Collins resident since 2020, Brando is originally from Kingsville, Texas. He prefers his rides to include at least a little dirt, so you’ll always find him on his MTB, CXB, or GRVLB. But you’re most likely to see him on his 2022 Scott Spark RC Comp on Pineridge, Maxwell, and/or Shoreline before bombing back into town. Brando is the co-founder of the Melanated Lovelies, a Colorado-based BIPOC cycling development team. He’s working towards his Master’s in Public Administration, so if you have a position in that realm opening up, keep him on your radar. @brrockers

- When do you listen to these? Whenever I’m trying to catch a vibe or hype myself up for school, community events, or races.
- Favorite bike? 2022 Scott Spark RC Comp.
- Favorite ride? Whichever route makes the voices go away. Usually Pineridge, Maxwell, Shoreline, and back down into town.
- Preferred style of riding? MTB, CX, and GRVL. The fewer vowels, the better.
- Years in NoCo? I’ve been in Fort Collins since 2020.
- Employer/title/years there? Riding the post-military wave for a little while I hunt for a job related to my Master of Public Administration.
- Hometown? Kingsville, Texas
- Team name if applicable. Melanated Lovelies
- How do you take your coffee? Tablespoon of instant coffee into 50/50 water and almond milk–ideally shaken up in a Mason jar and chugged 20 minutes before a race. Otherwise, never. I run off of spite and anxiety.
- Who influenced your taste in music? EA Sports games from the PS2 era. Would also like to thank Alejandra, Marc, Dom, Keala, and Maya for their contributions.
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