Brett Rosenbauer is our DJ on 10 Tracks this week. Brett was one of the wheels I’d latch onto on Wednesday Night Worlds way back in the early 2000s. He doesn’t like to admit it but he was a pretty strong roadie once. I remember he had (has?) this beautiful white Independent Fabrications road bike… Anyway, now he spends most of his time on the dirt and running Trailcraft Cycles with his wife Ginger and their two kids. Trailcraft is a high-end kids mtb company based here in the Fort. If you haven’t had a chance to check ’em out, you should. https://www.trailcraftcycles.com/
Brett is originally from Basking Ridge, NJ and has been in Fort Collins since 1999. Hey, same as me! He’s been in the industry for as long as I’ve known him. Starting with Feedback Sports (then Ultimate Support) when it was based in Fort Collins, then Niner, and now Trailcraft. He listens to his playlist when he’s working in his South FtC warehouse.
Favorite bike? SIR9 Steel rigid 29er
Favorite ride? American Lakes Trail