As we lean back into the 10 Tracks feature here at YGR, we welcome Kat Steele as our first DJ in a spell. Kat moved to Fort Collins eight months ago and has been very active in the scene, especially within the Women/Trans/Femme/Non-Binary space. Kat runs WTF Bike, which helps the previously mentioned and often marginalized riders “learn about all kinds of cycling, learn new skills, and develop communities where they are respected and accepted.” Get to know more about Kat and take her playlist for a spin below.

When do you listen to these? Avoiding coworkers. Running. Grooving at a stop light on my bike
Favorite bike? Vaast A1 gravel bike
Favorite ride? Dirty Dairy as the sun goes down
Preferred style of riding? Whatever bike I’m on is the best.
Years in NoCo? (City?) 8 months! Texas refugee
Employer/title/years there? United Way of Larimer County/5 months
Hometown? Napopleon Ohio
Team name if applicable. Fort Follies, Queer + Bikes, Overland
How do you take your coffee? Morning: Moccamaster drip with 1/2 1/2, afternoon: pourover. I love Bean Cycle and Wander beans.
Who influenced your taste in music? KUTX the Austin Public Radio music channel (check their streaming app) esp the Friday Night Dance Party, Sunday Jazz, and Uptown Saturday Night shows.
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