This morning, we welcome Cory Flood as our 10 Tracks DJ. Cory moved to Fort Collins in 2021 and is a civil engineer here in NoCo. His primary focus is road racing, moving to Sonic Boom from Ardor Racing in 2025. He’s a regular on TTH, and I know from personal experience that he can race a gravel bike. He was in the process of dropping our group and going on to win the 60-mile Foco Fondo in the photo he submitted for this content (I think he was sticking it to me by using that one). He also dabbles in cyclocross when he has the time.
More Cory Flood factoids and his playlist can be found below.

- When do you listen to these? I usually listen to music on the trainer or when I’m working on (messing up) my bike! After being hit by a car back in 2019, I do not listen to music while riding outdoors.
- Favorite bike? I love both of my treks; I have a 2015 Boone & 2019 Emonda.
- Favorite ride? Old Fall River Road up in RMNP is an amazing gravel road up to the alpine center, taking that up & descending trail ridge road is a blast. I love descending rist canyon as well.
- Preferred style of riding? Road cycling is my main discipline, with gravel in a close second. I usually do cyclocross, but was too busy this year.
- Years in NoCo? I moved to Fort Collins spring of 2021 & have been loving it ever since!
- Employer/title/years there? I have been doing municipal engineering for a local jurisdiction for 2.5 years.
- Hometown? I am originally from Gurnee, Illinois (Six Flags IFYKYK).
- Team name if applicable? I just signed on with Sonic Boom Racing for 2025. Stoked for racing with them!
- How do you take your coffee? I am a big coffee snob. My preferred method is french press, but you MUST use freshly ground beans. No preground beans in my household!
- Who influenced your taste in music? Growing up in between Chicago & Milwaukee, I was pretty influenced by electronic music, as there were plenty of concerts to go to. Since moving to CO, I have been leaning more into indie rock & blue grass; fits better with mountain drives.
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