Kevin Krause is our DJ this week on 10 Tracks. Kevin is originally from Plymouth MI and has been in Fort Collins for 8 years. He settled here with his wife and son and is fully embracing the cycling lifestyle. The whole family attends local races, events and clinics and goes by bike whenever possible. Their house even has a bike-sized garage door leading to the bike room. Kevin isn’t just suckling from the cycling scene’s teat though, he’s actively working to make it better as a member of the Fort Collins Bicycle Advisory Committee, the Natural Resources Advisory Board, and as the current lead wolf of the Wolfpack.
Learn more about Kevin and listen to his playlist below.

When do you listen to these? I rock out when focusing and getting things done (or chill out in the case of the Gregory Alan Isakov track!). Having love for many genres, ten tracks is hard, so here are some picks from over the years in my world.
Favorite bike? I wish that was a thing. I am blessed to have some awesome bikes from awesome local brands. My Black Sheep Highlight hard-tail 29er has been the go-to for years. You’ll likely see me cruising around town on a RadWagon e-cargo bike with the family and/or Trailcraft kids bike on the back!
Favorite ride? As far as road, Rist always gets me stoked. On the mountain bike, I love climbing up to the top of the mountain park and bumping down Mill Creek. Getting on the trails with kids anywhere is always high on the list these days!
Preferred style of riding? All the bikes but I haven’t got into the bike packing…yet.
Years in NoCo? (City?) 8 (Fort Collins)
Employer/title/years there? Product management at various tech companies working on software over the years.
Hometown? Plymouth, MI
Team name if applicable. Just riding with the next generation as of late… Wolfpack!
How do you take your coffee? Americano with oat milk.
Who influenced your taste in music? Friends and their siblings…music was what we did in middle school and high school. Listened to it, played it, recorded it, going concerts regularly…especially lesser known bands in more intimate venues. I still feel lucky to have seen artists like Jimmy Eat World, Band of Horses and others in some pretty small places.
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