We’ve got more 10 Tracks dropping over the next several weeks. Shoot me a message if you’d like to be featured or know of someone who should be.
Today we hear from Maas van de Graaf. Pretty sure he’s the first DJ to drop Primus into his playlist (YGR approved). He also has the most ‘pro-cyclist-name’ of anyone in Fort Collins. Maas is just starting his career as a civil engineer with Olsson here in Fort Collins, which, in my opinion, is great because it’s always good to have more cyclists designing our cities. Maas is a CSU alum who still coaches and rides with the team. He races for FCCT.
Keep scrolling to learn more about Maas and to hear his 10 Tracks.

- When do you listen to these? When I’m at work for the most part. Never been a big fan of listening to music while riding.
- Favorite bike? I got a shiny new Trek Madone this year and I’ve really enjoyed riding it.
- Favorite ride? I love to ride up by the bacon strip and thereabouts. It’s been my stomping grounds for a while and it’s only about 20 minutes from Timnath. There’s a surprising amount of elevation gain out there too.
- Preferred style of riding? Road and gravel… with cross a distant third.
- Years in NoCo? (City?) 22 years, born at PVH and raised across the interstate over in Timnath.
- Employer/title/years there? I’ve been an assistant engineer at Olsson for half a year but interned with them for 2.5 when I was still in school. I’m a civil engineer doing railroad design there.
- Hometown? FoCo, duh.
- Team name if applicable. Racing for FCCT, but I also help “coach” the CSU team.
- How do you take your coffee? Generally not a coffee person (I prefer a strong black tea), but I’ll settle for black if push comes to shove.
- Who influenced your taste in music? You name it. My dad, NPR, seeing a silly track/album/artist name.
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