Reno Toffoli, where to start with this guy, I’ve known Reno for a long time, we worked together when we both first moved to Fort Collins back in ’99 or ’00. Even though we don’t ride together and met off the bike, he’s probably the Fort Collins cyclist I’ve known the longest. We always pickup right where we left off at the weekday grassroots races. He’s a good dude with lots of opinions, I find them amusing but I bet not everyone does. He doesn’t like people but people like him, a misanthrope perhaps. He doesn’t like to race but he does it anyway and enjoys himself. You might be faster than him going up hill but I bet he’ll drop you after you’ve earned the descent. His 10 Tracks is peppered with classics and stuff I reckon you’ve never heard. Dig it
Favorite Bike: These days I spend most of my time on a Niner WFO.
Favorite Ride: The one where I don’t see another human. I try to ride on the fringes of darkness and times when nobody else is around.
I don’t get a chance to travel much but It’s ok because the local riding is great. Mill Creek is my all time favorite local trail. On any given ride I just try to link up as much descending as I can.
Job/Title: Automotive Technology Instructor at Front Range Community College.
When do you listen: I’m a musician so I always have music in my head (and Simpsons quotes). I typically listen to these on my drive to my ride so that they are stuck in my head the entire time and I can then name my ride on Strava after an obscure lyrical excerpt.