The 101st DJ on 10 Tracks is none other than Ryan Mckee. Ryan’s another one of those damn midwestern kids that found their way to the Fort in the 90s to play bikes. Ralph Eberspacher gave him a job at Lee’s, in ’96. He received an expensive piece of paper from CSU did some stuff at New Belgium for a couple of years and now runs his own marketing and advertising agency, Cycling for Longevity.
When do you listen to these? If I’m on a solo mission I’ll ride with one bud in but when I’m home I’ve got every Bluetooth speaker in the house piping that feed.
Favorite bike? My first bike, a Raleigh Rampar, after that my first proper BMX bike, a Free Agent jr. and my first legit road bike, a Bridgestone RB-1 or maybe the GT Edge with Reynolds 853. My first MTB, a Cannondale F200 then there was my first full squisher, a GT RTS-1 and my Black Sheep ti 29er with a Faith Fork was tres hawt but my Moonmen, mid fat, ti single speed is also real good. And I can’t forget my S&M Holmes, that was a good one. I ride the hells out of my Specialized AWOL. My cop bike, a Trek Stache is great fun, it has tires on it that will probably be obsolete in the near future. Does anyone have any gently used 29×3 tires?
Favorite ride? Independence Pass (Aspen), Kokopelli (Loma to Fruita), The streets of Amsterdam, the Kwaremont on a hi tensile steel, step thorough rental (full watts engaged). 80 to 82 to Prairie Divide to Manhattan to Pingree, up and over Pennock (The PPP), Phil’s World (Cortez), Raider Ridge (Django), Howard (Lory). The Loveland/ FoCo 50 mile, bike trail loop, AKA – The Path Lord’s Domain. Every cot dang gravel road in North Park, Spring Roll (Steamboat).
Preferred style of riding? I like all kinda bikes.
Years in NoCo? I moved here in 1996 after Ralph gave me a job at Lee’s
Employer/title/years there? Cycling for Longevity – Principal. I’ve been doing it since the beginning
Hometown? KC, MO or more specifically, Lee’s Summit, MO
Team name if applicable. Team Ti One On – Cycling for Longevity Factory Racing and I’m Dungeon Master of the Path Lords BC
How do you take your coffee? Black like my soul. BIG aero press guy and I prefer my beans South American and burr ground
Who influenced your taste in music? Punk rock brats and metal head heshers that sniffed glue behind the bushes in my suburban Kansas City neighborhood and my childhood buddy, Marc Calhoun, who always had his vinyl flooring and boom box laid out on his driveway.
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