This week’s 10 Tracks DJ is Taylor Kruse. He’s the videographer behind the All Terrain Bicycle Challenge series and has worked with ENVE, EF Education, Canyon, Fat Tire, Santa Cruz, Rapha, the FoCo Fondo crew among many other industry players. Taylor’s been known to ride all the bikes but is happiest when his tires have dirt under them. Keep scrolling to learn more about Taylor and to hear his playlist.

When do you listen to these? On airplanes and car rides mostly.
Favorite bike? My Boulder Bicycle All-Road; it’s a 650b randonneuring bike with just enough of a modern build.
Favorite ride? Local: Up Old Flowers Rd and back down Buckhorn Rd. Of All Time: Big loop from Malaga, Spain to Zafarraya and back.
Preferred style of riding? All Terrain Bicycling
Years in NoCo? 3.5
Employer/title/years there? I run 1000% Studio, a creative agency that mostly works in the bike industry, with one other person, and work as a freelance video editor on the side. We also run a clothing brand named Mythical State Of.
Hometown? Akron, Ohio
How do you take your coffee? Chemex every morning, usually with Bean Cycle beans. And, frequently an aeropress around lunch. Favorite beans are always Ethiopian.
Who influenced your taste in music? High school and college filled with going to punk shows and playing in various terrible, bad or just mediocre ska or punk bands. My taste has evolved a bit, but not much.
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