A few weeks back we had the multifaceted Corbin Brady in the YGR studio spinning his 10 Tracks, this week we have his associate at the Downtimer magazine, Michael Bussmann, gracing us with his playlist. Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, Bussman has been in Fort Collins for 13 years. In addition to his work starting the Downtimer, he’s a self-employed writer and artist and like all parents right now, he’s focusing a lot of energy into making sure his kids come out of the pandemic mostly ok.
When do you listen to these: Riding, working, whenever. It’s a nice mix to do stuff to.
Favorite bike: My townie. It’s a 22-year-old Cross Check that just won’t quit. It’s more of a family heirloom at this point.
Favorite ride: Anything at night with lots of shortcuts and sketchy urban single track.
Preferred style of riding: I love touring, but really, whatever… I just like riding bikes with my friends.
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