Bicycle Colorado announced a simpler and less expensive racer licensing model for Colorado cyclists on Thursday. According to BC the new partnership with USA Cycling will save racers time and $40.00 annually. BC absorbed Colorado Cycling aka the Bicycle Racing Association of Colorado in December of 2022.
Read the full announcement below.

Via Bicycle Colorado
Dear Colorado cycling community –
We are very pleased to announce a new, reimagined membership relationship between Bicycle Colorado (which in 2023 is serving as the Local Association in Colorado) and USA Cycling. For 2023, this paired membership model provides a FREE racing membership ($40 value) with Bicycle Colorado with your purchase of a racing membership from USA Cycling!
This new membership model delivers immediate benefits to Colorado cycling stakeholders:
- Individual Racing Members, who save money and time with this simplified one-stop shopping experience.
- Event Directors, who benefit from the elimination of the old BRAC one-day membership. This lowers the barrier for new athletes to engage in the sport.
- Event Registrars and Officials, who benefit from simplified registration and results data.
In the next few weeks, we will roll out our new online platform hosted at We Race Here. This platform will provide membership information, a calendar for competitive events, results and Cup calculation and display, and club management tools.
For 2023, Bicycle Colorado Club Memberships will be $100 for the year and will be available on our new platform soon.
What do you need to do?
Go to USA Cycling to purchase your 2023 Racing Membership. USAC will share this information with Bicycle Colorado, including memberships that were purchased prior to this agreement. In the next weeks, Bicycle Colorado will send you an email to confirm your user account at our new online platform on We Race Here. Once you are confirmed in our new membership database, you’ll be included in BC communication, offers and programs including our season-long Cup points competitions.
In 2023 we will have:
- A road racing season that includes coordination with the Rocky Mountain Collegiate Cycling Conference events and the traditional Rocky Mountain Road Cup.
- Cup points will be available at most road events in 2023.
- We are confirming the permits for the State TT State Championships in June.
- We are finalizing the designations for criterium, hill climb and road race State Championships.
- A cyclocross racing season that includes the traditional Colorado Cross Cup and State Championships.
- We will confirm race groups for both Cup and State Championships in the next months.
- For the purpose of communication and coordination, we will be meeting with each of our stakeholder groups (race directors, club leaders and officials) in the next few weeks.
We are incredibly excited that we are piloting this new membership model with USAC for 2023! We hope this re-imagined relationship between USAC and a local association can provide greater stability, safety and sustainability for all cycling events, both competitive and noncompetitive. It is our sincere hope that this pilot program demonstrates a new path forward for cycling events across the country.
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