Bike to School Day will take place on Wednesday, May 7th, 2025. Contact your school (probably the gym teacher) to see if your school is participating. If they’re not, see what you can do to make it happen.
Email Safe Routes to School here in Fort Collins or your school to see if you can help out.
The first National Bike to School Day took place on May 9, 2012, in coordination with the League of American Bicyclists’ National Bike Month. This special day has steadily grown in popularity, and is a perfect opportunity to celebrate biking and rolling in advance of Colorado Bike Month in June. In 2023, there were 81 registered Colorado Bike to School Day events throughout the state. This put us 4th in the nation among participating states!
All across Colorado and the nation, schools, neighborhoods, and families are stepping up to support safe, active transportation. Check out this blog post from Bicycle Colorado for more inspiration on ways communities celebrated and promoted bicycling Bike to School Day and beyond. Want to implement a community bike to school program? Get started with step-by-step instructions from our Safe Routes to School Bike Train resource from the Safe Routes Partnership. Ride on, Colorado!
Always, please visit walkbiketoschool.org to register any events you do plan, and for a wide range of fun downloadable activities.