The Weld County Gravel Stage Race returns to Northern Colorado as the NoCo Gravel Stage Race this Spring. Some of you may remember Drew Chapman organized a free, Strava-based summer-long gravel stage race a few years back. Drew and Justin Fields are working together to rejuvenate the series for the 2023 season. “For this event the objectives are to have an environment where everyone feels supported and encouraged, no entry fees, with event distances and locations that can fit into someone’s busy schedule. Epic gravel races are cool and all, but for a lot of us the time and costs for training for the event and traveling to and from the event are a challenge. So we want to create a local option without those obstacles. We also want the event to be accessible to people who may be newer to gravel riding as well as give seasoned riders something to aim for and test their fitness.” Justin said in a recent email announcement. ”
The April route will be a 22-mile prologue with an optional group ride on Sunday, April 2nd, at 10 am.
More information below.

- Free.
- Strava
- NoCo Cycling
- YGR Page
How it works:
- Step one. Join the Strava club.
- Check the ‘Posts’ section of the Strava club for the upcoming route.
- Complete the route sometime during said month.
- Whichever club members ride the route the fastest during the month win.
- Winners will be announced at the beginning of the following month.
- Prizes may or may not be awarded for monthly and overall winners.
- Routes will be 50 miles +-.
- Routes will start/finish in the Timnath/Severance area.
- There will probably be an optional group ride during the first weekend of each month.
- Doris- The Ladies
- Fred- ‘Mature’ Men
- Fred jr.- Less Mature Men.
- These may change depending on numbers and input.
Fine Print:
- The free event is being run by volunteers who assume no responsibility for risks. It is your responsibility to know the routes and make safe decisions.
- All this information is subject to change, so be sure to remain engaged with the Strava group for up-to-date information.
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