Logan in his “copywriting man-cave”. Photo by Ian Hylands.Grant the Intern caught up with Logan VonBokel to discuss his leaving Velo and joining Uncommon Communications. Its a pretty big change for the outspoken tech editor but fearnot, we’ll still be hearing from him.
YGR: So we heard it through the grapevine that you’re leaving Velo and joining Uncommon Communications in Eagle. What do they do and what are you going to be doing for them?
Logan: Uncommon Communications is a PR and Marketing agency. In that world our current client list includes BH Bicycles, Ortlieb Bags, Wigwam Mills, and Ergon. The clients I’ll be working closest with has not yet been announced — more news to come from us. For the most part, I’ll mostly be living on the PR side of the business and will be working with journalists (like and I used to be) and brands to arrange tests and provide information.
Uncommon Communications also has an event promotion side of the business. Owner, Mike McCormack runs the Eagle Outdoor Festival, the Breck Epic, and the new Outlier Festival in Vail. http://www.outlier.bike/ There is also the VVASA kids’ mountain bike program, which is primarily headed up by Uncommon employee and badass pro mountian biker Karen Jarchow. https://www.facebook.com/VailValleyAltSports/timeline
YGR: Does this mean you’re moving to Vail/Edwards/Eagle?
Logan: No way. As Mike put it in a comment on Facebook, “Logan will continue to enjoy nightlife, culture, riding, beer and food from his copywriting man-cave in Ft. Collins. He’ll visit Eagle periodically, but as a guest at the Uncommon family manse.”
YGR: Would leaving Fort Collins have been a deal breaker?
Logan: No. Interviewed with plenty of brands outside of FoCo/Colorado. Just was more excited about this opportunity, despite some of those other opportunities being with some of the largest brands in the industry. I like that it’s primarily just Mike and I handling PR and I’m able to work with brands I’m excited about
YGR: Is this one of those 9-5, wear a suit and tie type jobs or will you maintain similar scheduling and snappy attire freedoms?
Logan: I’ll work from home, so rather than needing to wear a suit, I need to keep on top of myself to not wear sweatpants out into public. I’ll continue to wear a tie for pleasure, not business.
YGR: How long were you with VeloNews? Didn’t you start as an intern?
Logan: Yeah, I started as an intern in January of 2012. Then I moved into the tech reporter position, which I’ve been doing since summer of 2012.
YGR: Favorite memory while working for VeloNews?
Logan: I drove a McLaren 650S Spider earlier this year. I’m a car/F1 racing geek. Besides that there were a couple of trips that really stand out, one of which was in New Zealand earlier this year with Santa Cruz Bicycles. http://theradavist.com/2015/02/navigating-old-ghost-road-new-zealands-longest-singletrack-day-02/#1
There was also this one time I got to ride with Eddy Merckx and a bunch of his old teammates. http://velonews.competitor.com/2014/12/news/road/top-14-stories-2014-riding-eddy_355013
YGR: What will you take from being a cycling tech reporter into this new job?
Logan: I really got to learn a lot about the cycling industry and I learned how to write. The whole experience was a crash course of me learning about the industry and where I fit in. Probably the most important thing, which has lead to my new job, is that I’ve developed my own style both in my writing and in what I look for in a bicycle. I like to think I know what I’m talking about when it comes to our industry.
YGR: Even if companies aren’t sending you their product to report on, will you still naturally share your opinions on a product in the social media world?
Logan: I’m still trying to figure that out. I’m one to be pretty opinionated, but now my professional obligations are to my clients not to the consumer. I certainly don’t want to become a blogger who only writes nice things about his/her advertisers, I won’t name names [at least not here], but those “reviews” are no good for anyone.
I hope to start writing for myself again — about whatever I want — rather than being pigeonholed in the cycling world. I just need to figure out what I have time for and I need to rediscover my voice.
YGR: What will you miss most about being so heavily involved in the cycling industry?
Logan: I don’t know that I’ll be any less involved in the cycling industry. In fact, I’m really excited about my new, and closer, involvement with the brands in our roster. I’ll be working in the background on new products and marketing projects.
YGR: Same question, but what will you miss the least?
Logan: I won’t miss worrying about what the commenters are going to say when a story gets published. I certainly won’t miss those internet trolls who have nothing better to do besides bitch about the story they paid nothing to read, and yet act like I kicked their child in the face, and stole their lunch money. It’s just a saddle bag guys, relax.
YGR: What are you most excited for with the new job?
Logan: Change of pace. Not as much travel all summer. Working with a core group of brands.
YGR: Did you tell them you have cross season around the corner? Will your training/racing be affected?
Logan: Mike keeps telling me that it’s important that I’m in great shape and that I ride my bike. Hoping I can race my bike more the rest of this summer. I’m going to be doing Breck Epic, after all, so I’m sure he doesn’t want me to embarrass the brand.
YGR: In general, are you expecting a big lifestyle change?
Logan: Hopefully, a slightly more relaxed lifestyle. Who knows. We’ll see.
YGR: Any other final words on the changes you have coming your way?
Logan: I think the big news is yet to come in the coming weeks as we announce our new clients that I’ll be working with, and then start leaking out the new projects we’re working on.