The Winter Ralleye is a series of gravel group rides that take place every winter in Larimer and Weld Counties. They are usually held regardless of weather conditions and can be done on any type of bike you are comfortable riding/pushing in harsh conditions. These conditions include but are not limited to cold, darkthrity, COLD, snow, rain, deep snow, goat heads, wind, and 60 degrees and sunny. It’s not a race, and there are no entry fees.
Follow Cycling For Longevity for updates. More information and routes will be posted when available.
Disclaimer for the Winter Ralleye
Reminder: The Winter Ralleye is just a group of friends out for a ride when most stay home or go skiing. These are self-supported rides; there are no support vehicles or supported rest areas. There is no entry fee, no registration, no UCI points, and no prize money. The suggested route is an open course and should be treated as such. Obey all traffic laws. Don’t break the law.
Previous Routes:
WyColo Border Patrol
Pennock Pedaling Pow-wow
Two Days of Cold Toes
The NoCo Roller
Weld County Waltz
Prairie Fireball Overnight