Latest Local Racing News

FoCo Fondo Training Rides

Event Type: Gravel Group Ride
Time of Year: Winter, Spring, Summer
Whit and Zack with Bike Sports are hosting training rides leading into this summer's FoCo Fondo. The series includes a women's only weekend, a beginners clinic, on-your-own rides and gravel group rides. The rides are free, but you must sign a waiver. The Fondo takes place on July 21st, 2024.

Winter Ralleye Gravel Rides

Event Type: Gravel Group Ride
Time of Year: Winter
The Winter Ralleye is a series of gravel group rides that take place every winter in Larimer and Weld Counites. They are usually held regardless of weather conditions and can be done on any type of bike you are comfortable riding/pushing in harsh conditions. These conditions include but are not limited to; cold, darkthrity, COLD, snow, rain, deep snow, goat heads, wind and 60 degrees and sunny. It's not a race and there are no entry fees.

Four Seasons of Horsetooth Mountain Bike Challenge

Event Type: Moutain Bike Series
Time of Year: Each Season
The Four Seasons of Horsetooth Mountain Bike Challenge is a grass-roots un-event with no entry fees and no real start times and is ridden on the two solstices and two equinoxes in Horsetooth Mountain Park and Lory State Park.

NoCo Gravel Stage Race

Event Type: Gravel Stage Race
Time of Year: Spring/Summer
The NCGSR is a free, Strava-based gravel stage race that takes place during the Spring and Summer in Larimer and Weld counties. The goal of these races is to "create a grassroots gravel event that creates a welcoming and supportive environment where people can challenge themselves, explore Northern Colorado roads, and get involved with a community of like-mined riders."


Event Type: Bike Swap/Party
Time of Year: Feburary or March
RioSwap is one of the crown jewels of the YGR empire. The annual bike and outdoor swap and season launch party is hosted by YGR in the Rio's Agave Room every year.

Frostbite Time Trial

Event Type: Time Trial
Time of Year: Early Spring
The Frostbite Time Trial is hosted by Team Rio Grande Racing and historically launches the Colorado road racing calendar each year. The course heads South and then North on the I25 frontage road for 11.4 miles near the Buckeye Power Plant exit. As the name implies, it's usually cold and as the photo shows, it's usually windy.

CSU Race Weekend

Event Type: Crit & Circuit Race
Time of Year: Spring
The CSU road race weekend includes the technical CSU Oval Criterium and the Cobb Lake Circuit race. Both races are part of the Rocky Mountain Collegiate Cycling Conference and include collegiate and USAC citizen categories. The weekend is hosted by the Colorado State University Rams cycling team every Spring.

YGR Time Trials

Event Type: Time Trial Series
Time of Year: April, June & August
The YGR Time Trials are a low cost, mid week, grassroots, road time trial series that takes place in April, June and August of each year. YGR's first time trial was promoted back in 2009 and are still going strong today. Races cost $10.00 and are open to riders of all ages and abilities. We have male and female categories as well as categories for regular road bikes, time trial bikes and mountain bikes.

Bike to School Day

Event Type: Bike To School
Time of Year: Early May
Bike to School day generally takes place on the first or second Wednesday of May.

Send Town Shorttrack

Event Type: Mountain Bike Series
Time of Year: Late Spring
The SendTown Shorttrack races at New Belgium Brewing have been responsible for introducing hundreds, ney, thousands of people to mountain bike racing since they started over a dozen years ago. The energetic and welcoming atmosphere, low cost of entry, and rowdy racing are always a good time. The racing takes place on Tuesday nights. Get there early for the free kid's races.

Laramie MTB Series

Event Type: Mountain Bike Series
Time of Year: Summer
The best grassroots race series in the universe will return in 2025. The Laramie Mountain Bike Series will feature five Tuesday night races on Wyoming's Pilot Hill (first two races) and Happy Jack (final three races) trail systems.

Bike to Work Day

Event Type: Bike Holiday
Time of Year: Mid Summer
Bike to Work (or wherever) Day is one of Fort Collins greatest traditions. Dozens of free breakfast locations will spring up all over town to treat cyclists as they ride into work (or wherever).