10 Tracks

Lets tune in weekly to hear what our fellow NoCo cyclists listen to when they riding, wrenching, driving and recovering. We have nearly 100 playlists and 1000 songs already streaming on YGR Radio.

10 Tracks with Peter Discoe

10 Tracks With Peter Discoe

This is a 10 Tracks I've been looking forward to for a long time, and neither the interview nor the playlist disappoints. Peter Discoe is the man behind the Ramble Rides, he's an operating partner with Type Two LLC, an event management company that runs events such as the Wasatch All Road in Utah and the American Criterium Cup and was the guy flippin' switches at SWOBO when the brand was based in Fort Collins. He's a lifelong equal opportunity cyclist™ (rides all the bikes) and lover of music- aka the perfect YGR 10 Tracks DJ.

10 Tracks With Ryan Muchmore

Ryan Muchmore is our DJ this week on 10 Tracks. Ryan hails from the great state of Delaware and has been in the Fort for four years.  He's one of the first smiling faces you'll see if you duck into Niner HQ (Chris Wolff being the other). Big gravel and/or singletrack days are his jam. 

10 Tracks

10 Tracks with Teresa Maria

This week's 10 Tracks DJ is yours and my favorite TRex, Teresa Maria. Teresa came to us from the great state of Florida to get smart, left us to get a little smarter and has since returned to Fort Collins since she's now super smart. She's a high alpine ride junky with a penchant for Spanish music. 

10 tracks, ryan mckee

10 Tracks with Ryan Mckee

The 101st DJ on 10 Tracks (over 1000 songs!) is none other than Ryan Mckee. Ryan’s another one of those damn midwestern kids that found their way to the Fort in the 90s to play bikes. Our guy Ralph Eberspacher gave him a job at Lee’s, in ’96.

10 Tracks for Malcolm Hall

This week's 10 Tracks is a very special one. It was submitted by Dwight Hall in remembrance of his youngest son, Malcolm. Malcolm passed away one year ago today leaving behind so many that love him. For the Halls, this is not a day they want to celebrate but it is a day they can’t ignore. Please join me in sending Dwight, Malcolm's mom Erin and his older brother Sinclair love and strength.

10 Tracks with Pat McCarty

We've got DJ Patty Mac come, come, comin' at this morning. Pat is the men's team director at Human Powered Health (formerly Rally Pro Cycling). Human Powered Health is a UCI-ProTeam cycling team, based in the United States but racing internationally. AKA, kind of a big deal

10 Tracks with Tayne Andrade

Alright, we're back to posting fresh content after Spring Break so it seems fitting to have a college kid get us back into the groove of things. Our DJ this week is Tayne Andrade. Tayne is a core member of the CSU Cycling Team and Team Rio Grande Racing.

10 Tracks with Jeremy Norris

Jeremy Norris is one of the few dirt monkeys willing and able to take on the roadies at Wednesday Night Worlds and he's our 10 Tracks DJ for this week. Jeremy came to us from Estes Park, via the Boulder Bubble, and has been in the Fort for the past two and a half years.

10 Tracks with Shifty

You might not know it but you love this man. This is Michael Schifferdecker, aka Shifty, aka the man that makes the SendTown bike races happen at New Belgium 12 times per year.

10 Tracks with James Bethea

As promised yesterday, here is James Bethea's 10 Tracks playlist. James is now a Pink Jeeps tour guide in Cottonwood AZ and races for Niner Bikes. If you'd like to learn more about what James is up to these days, check out his Whatever Happened to...? interview.

10 Tracks with Steve Douglas

You know, know of, or have at least seen Steve Douglas out bombing around. He's a regular on the local trails and the TFr group ride. He also posts unapologetic critiques of TFR rides on his YouTube Channel which I, for one, find pretty entertaining but I'm also not one of the ones being critiqued. Steve rides for Old School Industries and works as a Software Engineer at HP.

10 Tracks with Tyler Henderson

Although he's a native to Colorado, this week's 10 Tracks DJ is a relative newcomer to the Fort Collins cycling scene. Our guy Tyler Henderson is the Marketing Coordinator over at Niner Bikes and he comes to us by way of the Denver/Golden area and Spot Bikes. You may recognize Tyler as the host of Niner Bikes' Inside the Nine YouTube series.